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To join the DAA as a coach or to any of the open position, send an email to or fill in the form


1. Basketball Commissioner

Our basketball program is growing and we are looking for a basketball commissioner.

If you have strong commitment to our community and you are passionate about the success of Demarest kids sports, you are the volunteer our town needs.

The new commissioner and his team will be responsible to organize and manage 2019-2020 basketball that will run from December 2019 through March 2020.

The basketball managing team (a group of 4 volunteers) is responsible for

- Players registration

- Recreation and Travel leagues registrations and kick off

- Setting schedule for practice times and games

- Order equipment and uniforms 

- Engaging with the borough and with the board of education

- Interact with the coaches 

2. All Sports Coach Manager

Enlist new coaches for all age groups

Work with new coach volunteers to complete all requirements

Convert all coach requirement tracking digitally

Review tools available to improve coaching experience

3. Boy & Girls Soccer, Basketball, Baseball Coaches

Demarest Athletic Association

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